Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wedding Facts

42% of couples have their ceremony and reception in the same location.

27 is the average age of brides.

29 is the average age of grooms.

The wedding market accounts for $50 Billion in annual retail sales.

In almost half of weddings more than one party pays.

I went to my friends wedding the other day and during the I do's the officiant said "Repeat after me, I state your name" and when the bride (my friend) repeated she said "I state your name" when she was suppose to say "I Jane."

Tell me some funny stories about your wedding or one that you have been to??


  1. hahahaha! funny Jane!:)
    I wanna go to a wedding... always makes me feel happy!

  2. It does make people feel happy, but it also makes you cry.
