I am so out of money, it's ridiculous. Luckly we have this website up and running with viewers to donate to my addiction!I keep gambling it all away in Rock Paper Scissors (RPS), but I have a winning strategy that I just KNOW will pay dividends. I cannot tell you blogger fools what it is - for you will use my tactics against me. It has nothing to do with throwing rocks or paper, though.
If you wish to challenge me in an honor match (no $$ involved), I will gladly cut you up.
www.rpsgame.com - Send challenges to "saucyboss", I don't care. You'll lose either way.
In addition, I'm not allowed in my local K-Mart (or at least that's just me, they sent a letter saying so. Last time I was there I knocked over the basketball hoops trying to slam dunk in aisle 14 and it crushed some baby in a stroller. It's not like it died or anything, it'll still be able to walk too).
This is a cool sport!