Tuesday, February 10, 2009

California Tax Payers paying for Nadya Suleman's 8 Babies

yeah wtf we can't even get our Tax Refund Check but we might be paying for this lady's bad decision on child birth.

Reports say:

Nadya Suleman is about to piss off a lot more people than just her drained parents!

Since the Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center doesn't really accept food stamps as payment, Kaiser has requested Medi-Cal aid to foot the bill for Octo-Mom's gazillion dollar medical bills.

So you know who's gonna end up feeding her 14 kids?

That's right, all of us California residents!

How messed up is this? I guess thats where my IOU money is going to. I wish I could smack the stupid look on her face. Anyone else thinks shes a piece of crap please post telling me what you think?


  1. great octo-mom now has wad webpage where she is taking donations. I think im going to send her a bag of shit and hope she likes it.

  2. haha did you hear shes now in hiding because Nada Suleman has been threatened to be killed. I say good luck with that and wish that person the best of luck. I dont want to pay for her mistakes or the dissabilities of her family.
