Monday, February 9, 2009

A-ROD Says He Used Steroids

reports broke this weekend that New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids use back in 2003. Well, now the multi-millionaire is speaking out and CONFIRMING his use of the 'roids!

A-Rod told ESPN on Monday that he did take the drugs while he was playing for the Texas Rangers. It apparently happened during a three-year period which began back in 2001. Says the liar, "When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt an enormous amount of pressure. I needed to perform, and perform at a high level every day."


Adding about baseball 8 years ago, he says that "Back then, it was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young, I was stupid, I was naïve. I wanted to prove to everyone I was worth being one of the greatest players of all time. I did take a banned substance. For that, I'm very sorry and deeply regretful."


And his apology continued with, "I had just signed this enormous contract I felt like I needed something, a push, without over-investigating what I was taking, to get me to the next level. I am sorry for my Texas years. I apologize to the fans of Texas."

However, A-Rod claims he's now clean. How can we believe him, though????

Back in 2007, during an interview with Katie Couric, he claimed he had never used 'roids. LIAR!! Now his excuse about back then is that "at the time, I wasn't being truthful with myself. How could I be truthful with Katie Couric or CBS?"

Wonder if he's ever lied about anything else? Like his "friendly" relationship with Madonna?

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