Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
The UK's Hotest Halo Fan
Apparently 25-year old Amanda Johnstone from South London was chosen by XBox as the UK's hottest Halo fan. I find it a little hard to believe, but who knows, I'd still Chief it. Make some Halo porn
Xbox finds UK's hottest female Halo fan [t3]
Worlds most expensive Iphone
That's right folks, a ridiculously stupid $2.5 million iPhone complete with 18-carat gold, 160 small diamonds, and topped off with a 6.6-carat behemoth as the home button. The piece is called the 'King's Button' and is available now if you want it. But, if you're looking for something a little cheaper, forget the King's Button, I've got your Peasant's Joystick right here -- $2.75.
World's Stupidest, Most Expensive iPhone Mod Yet Costs 2.5 Million Dollars [gizmodo]
How Kayne West New GF IS HOT
check out the pics I got from Perez Hilton
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Man Gets Ticket After Saving 3 Lives
What kind of award is that? He was being helpful and helped save lives, yet he gets ticketed for the stupidest thing.
Topless Cafe In Maine

VASSALBORO, Maine -- Cup size has more than one meaning at a new central Maine coffeehouse.
Servers are topless at the Grand View Topless Coffee Shop, which opened its doors Monday on a busy road in Vassalboro. A sign outside says, "Over 18 only." Another says, "No cameras, no touching, cash only."
On Tuesday, two men sipped coffee at a booth while three topless waitresses and a bare-chested waiter stood nearby. Topless waitress Susie Wiley said men, women and couples have stopped by.
The coffee shop raised the ire of dozens of residents when it went before the town planning board last month. Town officials said the coffee shop met the letter of the law.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
500 lbs. of Pot Seized from Rapper Fabolous' Tour Bus
No joke!
Arkansas police found 500 lbs. of marijuana on rapper Fabolous' tour bus.
Besides a dealer, who rolls with 500 lbs. of pot?!
The lyric spitter was not on the bus at the time of the bust.
Two men, who we assume worked for Fab, were arrested at the scene.
They apparently told the cops that the rapper had loaded the marijuana into one of the bus's locked compartments, as well as close to $6,500 in cash, which was also confiscated at the time of the pot seizure.
According to the bus driver, the bus was returning from NBA All-Star Weekend in Phoenix. The bus was allegedly escorting Fabolous to Boston to pick up a rapper whose name he couldn't recall.
Uh huh!
It's unknown if Arkansas police found and/or brought Fabolous in for questioning.
Crazy stuff!
Octo's New Option -- Porn or Diapers?!

There is a serious effort underway to block OctoMom from taking a million dollar offer to do porn -- except the opposition is coming from a rival XXX company!
Fearing that Nadya Suleman "will become the subject of endless ridicule and scorn," the president of Pink Visual has offered Octo a "full year's worth of diapers" if she keeps her baby maker where it belongs ... fully covered and far away from any type of recording device.
In a letter sent to Octo, morally righteous Pink Visual warns, "There's a great deal of stigma attached to being a porn star" and that Octo needs to think "in the best interest of your children." For once.
So what's it gonna be? Do porn ... and get a million bucks, health insurance and benefits -- or keep it covered ... so you can keep your kids clean?
WOW who would even want to see her nude shes probablly all flabby and disgusting looking. Shit though its a million bucks GO OCTO MOM DO PORN though I will not be watching hahahhaa
$1000 Dollar Bill
Ran Across this story today and have never seen a 1000 dollar bill
hmm anyone wanna sell me a thousand dollar bill for 5 singles? Anyone?
BREAKING NEWS Rihanna pregnant
Here’s what Star Magazine is reporting:
Just days before the terrifying incident, [Rihanna] had consulted an ob-gyn after confiding in close friend that she believed she was pregnant.
“Rihanna was afraid to tell Chris about it because she was sure he didn’t want to have a baby, “says a source … [but] on Jan 26, Rihanna, wearing dark sunglasses, a black off-the=shoulder top, black pants and black boots, had a scheduled appointment at the office of Dr. Gregory Ewertz in Cedars-Sinai Medical center.
Here’s the National Enquirer:
”Oh, my God, I could lose the baby!”
Rihanna has told pals that horrifying thought raced through her mind as her boyfriend Chris Brown brutally beat her – because she thinks she is pregnant…
Rihanna had missed her period and told friend that she thought she was pregnant. But when she told Chris he didn’t want to talk about it and was in sort of denial.”
Star broke the story and you can read it HERE
Halt Foreclosure
Say these 3 little words and it may halt your foreclosure: PRODUCE THE NOTE
Monday, February 23, 2009
Get your free SUB @ Quiznos
You better act FAST! Quiznos is giving out 1 Million Free SUBS. All you have to do is give them your name and Email address and thats it. So go now and get yours HERE
Potato items recalled
Potatoes are on the list of items being recalled now.
Several potato products that may be contaminated with listeria monocytogenes have been pulled from the shelves of Giant Food and Stop & Shop supermarkets, the Associated Press reported.
The products are 20 oz. bags of Simply Potatoes Shredded Hash Browns, Simply Potatoes Homestyle Slices and Simply Potatoes Red Potato Wedges. The products, which have "use by" dates ranging from March 29 to April 3, 2009, were recalled by Northern Star Co., a subsidiary of food processor Michael Foods Inc.
Thats a bummer I really liked Simpy Potatoes To read more on the story click Here
Free Pancakes tomorrow on Fat Tuesday at IHOP
Thats right! Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday or also known as Mardi Gras. It is also National Pancake day. IHOP restaurants will celebrate the day by offering guests a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes, while asking for donations to the Children's Miracle Network program at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. IHOP nationwide hopes to raise $1 million to benefit children's hospitals and other charities. To read the full story click here
I just might go and get myself some free pancakes tomorrow. yummmm sounds good no?
to find an IHOP near you visit their website at IHOPS Site
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Picture of Rihanna beaten up by chris brown
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Russian Roulette Beer Bong Only Good for Irresponsible Frat House Fun

I dont know about you guys but this looks fun!
The Russian Roulette Beer Bong is an amusing party gadget that encourages the worst kind of irresponsible drinking behavior. You fill the barrel in the center with beer (it holds up to two liters) and then you take turns with your companions at pulling out the bottles underneath it. The right bottle will unleash a torrent of amber pain into the unfortunate puller’s gullet.
No word on price. [Urbantrend via Gizmodo, Craziest Gadgets]
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Octo-mom gets forclosed on!

BURN Nadya Suleman burn!
YES! is all I can say. Thank GOD. I hate this bitch and am glad she will have no where to live but inside a cardboard box while her children go to CPS. I hope no tv actor or someone with money gives her any to save her house. PLEASE DON'T
According to papers filed recently, Octo-Granny owes $23,224.98 in overdue mortgage payments on the house she shares with Octo-Mom and her kiddies.
No one has made any payments since May 2008.
So, naturally, on February 5th the mortgage company filed a "Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Deed of Trust"
Brad Van Pelt passes away
Retired New York Giants linebacker Brad Van Pelt has died of a heart attack tuesday night at age 58. You can read more about brad van pelt Here
How not to Mug Someone
How Not To Mug Someone - Watch more Funny Videos
Chimpanzee Attack
Travis the chimpanzee, a veteran of TV commercials, was the constant companion of a lonely Connecticut widow who fed him steak, lobster and ice cream. He could eat at the table, drink wine from a stemmed glass, use the toilet, and dress and bathe himself.
But on Monday, the wild animal in him came out with a vengeance.
The 200-pound animal viciously mauled a friend of his owner before being shot to death by police.
The full story on the Chimpanzee Attack Can be read Here
3 days of pure fun
Another Ebay auction gone wild. Some dude auctions his time for 3 days to scare the shit out of you. I wish it hadn't ended yet...
Afraid of Clowns? Ever see a movie with a creepy clown and get scared to death? Believe it or not, there are people out there who like to be scared. This idea came to me when a friend mentioned they love scary movies and the thrill it gives them. This auction is for a 3 day thrill ride through your greatest fear! ~CLOWNS~!!!! I will dress up as a clown and scare you for 3 days STRAIGHT, everywhere you go, I will follow, dressed as a clown. When you least expect it - BOOM!!! There I'll be to creeper you out! This is something you will only want to experience once. LIVE your SCARIEST MOVIE SCENES! Included in this auction, is my travel expenses to wherever you live to give you 3 days of creepy, clowny excitement! BID NOW AND EXPERIENCE this once in a lifetime Thrill.... Are you Brave Enough? *This is meant for entertainment purposes only, no harm will come to you from this, just scariest thrill of a lifetime! Live a haunted house come to life for 3 entire days.
Heres the auction
Lindsay Lohan: 'I eat Big Macs.'

Well this blog is about expressing your self and I'll go ahead and express the failure of others. Not that I give a rat fuck about Lindsay Lohan, I just though I would bring to your attention (the internet) how decrepit and disgusting she looks. Uhhhggg
"I eat. I had my Big Mac yesterday from McDonald's," she told Us Sunday at the Matthew Williamson NYC store opening. "I eat just as much as I always have."
Yah ok Lindsay. You look like a fucking mummy.
Get the net. Go eat something your making us sick.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
High Altitute Crane Pullups
Monday, February 16, 2009
Digging Is Fun!: Backyard Toy Time Capsule
paying $20 for the Backyard Safari Underground Time Capsule and, to make matters worse, you're only supposed to bury the POS six inches under the ground so you can still fill it with more garbage via the fake rock screw-off lid. Hey kids, I've got news for you: if I see a fake rock in your yard, I'm digging that shit up and stealing your G.I. Joes and first love letter from Susie Q Heartbreak. And, if it turns out to just be a fake rock house key hider, I'm letting myself in and kicking your ass. Happy President's Day!
Underground Time Capsule perfect for hiding things in the dirt [dvice]
California and Kansas are Broke as a Joke
These states are in the RED I filled my taxes a few weeks ago and was never told that I was not getting my money in a few days. I had to research it and look it up on the FTB for them to tell me that I am getting an IOU Im just changing my taxes so that either they owe me very little money or I end up paying them at the end of the year. Here is the story on Kansas suspending income tax refunds and might be missing payroll for state employees. Click HERE to read the story.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
From the land of the fake iPods, fake Nikes, fake Viagra
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My Awesome dog, Better than your smelly dog.
Japan Pledges To Halt Production Of Weirdo Porn That Makes People Puke

Im not going to go into full details here, but if your intrested click here
I have to quote this one phrase though from the press release:
"We honestly had no idea people did not enjoy this stuff,"
Zombie Mall Scenario

Perhaps we can get people leaving comments. So here's the set up. Your in a mall, stranded at the far end no where to go. Down the hallways are hundreds of zombies slowly coming towards you dying to rip you apart...
You have one weapon anything you want
One friend (dead or alive)
One song any song to play over the intercom as your going to town
Ill go first
I'll take a F16, Gooseman, and the song 'Danger zone' heh
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
California Tax Payers paying for Nadya Suleman's 8 Babies
yeah wtf we can't even get our Tax Refund Check but we might be paying for this lady's bad decision on child birth.
Reports say:
Nadya Suleman is about to piss off a lot more people than just her drained parents!
Since the Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center doesn't really accept food stamps as payment, Kaiser has requested Medi-Cal aid to foot the bill for Octo-Mom's gazillion dollar medical bills.
So you know who's gonna end up feeding her 14 kids?
That's right, all of us California residents!
How messed up is this? I guess thats where my IOU money is going to. I wish I could smack the stupid look on her face. Anyone else thinks shes a piece of crap please post telling me what you think?
Sony to release some new piece of shit watchamacall it, reciver? warning NSFW (language)
go kill your self.
Sony xoxo
Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work
US Postal Rate Rising Again!
Monday, February 9, 2009
David Goes To the Dentist Videos
Christian Bale Yells at David
Christain Bale Takes David To The Dentist - Watch more Funny Videos
Bird Meets Jet Engine
This is a test demonstrating what happens when a foreign object enters a jet engine before buying it dinner first.
Wide Body, Blade-Out Jet Engine Test. Short video showing what happens when a foreign object such as a large bird is ingested in a jet engine. You don't want to be onboard!!!! The joke during training was that you could ingest a 5 lb. bird at 250 kts.......... or a 250 lb bird at 5 kts. They actually have a "chicken gun" they use to fire the chickens into the engines for these tests.
Damn! Did that just say chicken gun? I want a chicken gun.
A-ROD Says He Used Steroids
reports broke this weekend that New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids use back in 2003. Well, now the multi-millionaire is speaking out and CONFIRMING his use of the 'roids!
A-Rod told ESPN on Monday that he did take the drugs while he was playing for the Texas Rangers. It apparently happened during a three-year period which began back in 2001. Says the liar, "When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt an enormous amount of pressure. I needed to perform, and perform at a high level every day."
Adding about baseball 8 years ago, he says that "Back then, it was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young, I was stupid, I was naïve. I wanted to prove to everyone I was worth being one of the greatest players of all time. I did take a banned substance. For that, I'm very sorry and deeply regretful."
And his apology continued with, "I had just signed this enormous contract I felt like I needed something, a push, without over-investigating what I was taking, to get me to the next level. I am sorry for my Texas years. I apologize to the fans of Texas."
However, A-Rod claims he's now clean. How can we believe him, though????
Back in 2007, during an interview with Katie Couric, he claimed he had never used 'roids. LIAR!! Now his excuse about back then is that "at the time, I wasn't being truthful with myself. How could I be truthful with Katie Couric or CBS?"
Wonder if he's ever lied about anything else? Like his "friendly" relationship with Madonna?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The perfect flower
Calla Lily- Magnificent beauty.
Gardenia- secret love; you are lovely; feminine grace; sweet love.
Cream Rose- love;Perfection; IF THORNLESS-love at first sight.
Tulip- Perfect lover.
Lavender Rose - Affection; enchantment.
Purple Rose- Reward of virtue; worthy of royalty.
Red Carnation- Flashy; admiration; my heart aches for you.
Ranunculus- Rich in attractions; radiant charm.
Burgundy Rose- Unconscious beauty; beauty within.
Red Rose- Love; passion; respect; I love you; beauty; inclined to love.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Scientists Succeed In Teleporting Matter A Whole Three Feet

That's right folks, I estimate in a few short months we'll all be able to teleport ourselves to our favorite vacation spots. Or inside a bank vault -- or the women's locker room! The possibilities I'm imagining are staggering, and, for the most part, illegal. Awh yeah -- breaking the law with science!
No one is galaxy-hopping, or even beaming people around, but for the first time, information has been teleported between two separate atoms across a distance of a meter -- about a yard.
In the Jan. 23 issue of the journal Science, the scientists report that, by using their protocol, atom-to-atom teleported information can be recovered with perfect accuracy about 90 percent of the time -- and that figure can be improved.
Well I would hope that figure can be improved. If 1 out of 10 teleporters winds up with their penis for an arm, well, I want a penis arm! Seriously though, I think we can all agree: this is one small step for man, one ironically giant leap for me never having to move again. Tele-beer me!
Hit the link for a much more in-depth article that better explains the science behind teleportation (read: transfer of quantum information).
Scientist Teleport Matter More Than Three Feet [foxnews]
Michael Phelps Feels The Pressure

We guess they felt that Golden Boy Michael Phelps was getting off too easily, because he's finally feeling some fallout from the bong photos. He's been suspended by USA Swimming for the next 3 months and he's lost his Kelloggs endorsement.
But, many of Phelps' teammates and colleagues have come to the 23-year-old's defense.
His coach Bob Bowman now says, "Michael’s been through a lot and he’s learned a lot, hopefully. I support him and I want to see him do better. I’m here, as always, to try to help him move forward. He’s learned some tough lessons and he’s disappointed a lot of people, me included."
41-year-old silver medalist, Dara Torres, whom Phelps jokingly nicknamed "Mom," says, "I see him as a kid trying to grow up in the most intense spotlight known to any athlete. He has apologized and what else can he do?. The thing I hope is that people realize Michael is still a person and not just a swimming hero," adding, "He didn’t let the USA down at the games, so we shouldn’t let him down."
Fellow swimmer Amanda Beard, who received criticism after posing nude in Playboy, was a little more direct, saying, "If anyone knows public scrutiny, it’s me. When I posed for Playboy, so many officials looked down on me. Michael knows he isn’t a bad person. He made a mistake. People need to get over it. I want to cheer him on in London."
And rival agent Evan Morgenstein seemed to sum up the majority's opinion, saying, "Enough is enough. The penalty is far greater than the crime. He has said he is sorry. Let’s move on to the real problems in this country."
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Verizon employees are dumb as shit
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
WTF Cow gets hit by lightning and lives!
The cow featured here, who we will refer to as "Well Done", was struck by lightning and lived to chew grass and moo about it, which is apparently rare.
When lightning hits the ground, current flows through the earth in a wide area around the point of impact. This is how a lightning strike can kill a field full of cows - the long wheelbase of the average cow means that a nearby strike induces a significant potential difference across the ground spanned by the cow's front and back legs; current flows through cow, cow dies.
For those of you who aren't science-minded, let me break that down in layman's terms: basically lightning strikes a cow, and makes it delicious. I smell barbecue! Or a cow on fire, same difference.
I am now hungry, cheeseburger anyone?
RPS the new cool

I am so out of money, it's ridiculous. Luckly we have this website up and running with viewers to donate to my addiction!I keep gambling it all away in Rock Paper Scissors (RPS), but I have a winning strategy that I just KNOW will pay dividends. I cannot tell you blogger fools what it is - for you will use my tactics against me. It has nothing to do with throwing rocks or paper, though.
If you wish to challenge me in an honor match (no $$ involved), I will gladly cut you up.
www.rpsgame.com - Send challenges to "saucyboss", I don't care. You'll lose either way.
In addition, I'm not allowed in my local K-Mart (or at least that's just me, they sent a letter saying so. Last time I was there I knocked over the basketball hoops trying to slam dunk in aisle 14 and it crushed some baby in a stroller. It's not like it died or anything, it'll still be able to walk too).
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The LAst 867-5309 Number for Sale on eBay

'867-5309/Jenny' is a song by Tommy Tutone that will now be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Great. And allegedly the last 867-5309 telephone number in the US is up for auction -- with current bidding at almost $500,000! Wow!
Phone: (201) 867-5309
This is one of the LAST remaining 867-5309 numbers in service. Receives between 8,000-10,000 Calls Per Year!!
***Many callers have informed me that I'm one of the only remaining 867-5309 numbers in service after attempting every area code in the US.***
Number is registered with Vonage (internet) phone company and is easily transferred with a simple modem that I will mail to you. All of the account transfer details are done easily online.
Works Anywhere in the US !!
eBay Auction
Monday, February 2, 2009
Macy's going out of business
Porn shown during the superbowl in arizona
Super Bowl audiences in Tucson, Arizona, got a little more than they bargained for when during Sunday's game 30 seconds of porn flashed on the screen following a touchdown.
We didn't know Tyler Durden was working in Tucson these days!
The clip, from the adult Club Jenna channel, was seen only by folks in Tucson. It contained a scene of a woman undoing a fella's pants, followed by full frontal male nudity.
Flop that peen around!
Only Comcast customers in Tucson were affected.
Corporate Affairs Manager with Comcast, Kelle Maslyn, said, "We are investigating the cause, and working with engineers at Cox Communications to find out why this happened."
While Cox Communications spokesman Michael Dunne said, "As far as we can determine, there has been no inappropriate material shown to Cox customers."
Ahhhh Kyle XY got cut
Punxsutawney Phil sees shadow; winter to continue

The world's most famous groundhog saw his shadow Monday morning, predicting that this already long winter will last for six more weeks.
Punxsutawney Phil emerged just after dawn in front of an estimated 13,000 witnesses, many dressed in black and gold to celebrate the Pittsburgh Steelers' Super Bowl victory the night before.
The annual ritual takes place on Gobbler's Knob, a tiny hill in Punxsutawney, a borough of about 6,100 residents some 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
According to German superstition, if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2 — the Christian holiday of Candlemas — winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says, spring will come early.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Picture Reveals Golden Boy Michael Phelps Knows How To Use a Bong

The UK's News of the World scored a picture of Olympics poster child Michael Phelps taking a big bong hit of what is assumed to be marijuana.
The tabloid always get their hands on crazy, juicy stuff!
The photo of Phelps supposedly getting high was snapped at a University of South Carolina party back in early November.
He was apparently visiting a university girl he was 'secretly' seeing.
We thought he was with that Vegas cocktail ho in November!
Play on, player!
One of the partygoers told the tabloid:
"You could tell Michael had smoked before. He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do. He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool. He was the gold medal winner of bong hits. Michael ended up getting a little paranoid, though, because before too long he looked like he was nervous and ran out of the place.”
What an idiot!
The Golden Boys' corporate sponsors sure won't be pleased!
When Phelps' agents caught wind that the NOTW was going to run the pic, they supposedly got down on their hands and knees for mercy. The gold medal winner's money men offered the paper,
1. Phelps as a NOTW columnist for three years
2. Host for NOTW events
3. Advertising money from Phelps' corporate sponsors
We're glad the NOTW said no and ran with it!
More importantly, Golden Boy might be out of the London 2012 Olympics because of this eff up.
A law that bans athletes for four-years for taking drugs has just hit the Olympic rule book.
The US Olympics Committee, USA Swimming and Phelps’ coach Bob Bowman have refused to comment.
We wanna hear what Momma Debbie Phelps has to say!
Super Bowl Recipes and Quick Party Food Tips
If you're planning a Super Bowl Party, the most important thing to do is prepare in advance. Get as much done ahead of time so you can enjoy the game with your guests. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: Do all your chopping and slicing in advance. Store chopped veggies in plastic bags, ready for your platter. Crockpots are great for keeping foods warm. Borrow extras from your friends. Use for cheese dip, meatballs, or sausage links. A quick and easy sauce for meatballs or sausages is a mixture of store-bought or homemade raspberry chipotle sauce and a small can of tomato sauce.
Choose foods that require little, if any, silverware. Be prepared with plenty of toothpicks and napkins for those finger foods. Have plenty of coffee and sodas ready well before you end the party. Don't let your friends drive home drunk. Finger food ideas One of the hottest football party foods is chicken wings. Whether you make them Buffalo-style, sweet and sour, honey-glazed, or otherwise, these are sure to be a hit. To save time, choose a baked chicken wings recipe, make in advance, and just reheat for the party.
Steam a bag of scrubbed baby red new potatoes in their skins. Toss in kosher salt while hot, then let cool. Cut in half and scoop out centers (reserve for potato salad), leaving 1/4 inch of potato inside the skin. Fill with herbed cream cheese or sour cream, salsa, taco-seasoned chicken or ground beef, chicken salad, or whatever sounds good to you. Serve at room temperature. Pick up a bottle of raspberry chipotle sauce or make your own. Pour over a block of cream cheese and serve with club crackers. Salsas over cream cheese with tortilla chips is another popular quick dip. Don't waste money on one of those giant submarine sandwiches from the deli. Pre-order a large loaf from the bakery or bake your own bread. Several large bread rounds will also work. Buy your favorite deli meats and cheeses. Load them up in the morning, wrap in foil and refrigerate for later.
You can warm them in the oven or serve them cold. Wraps, pita sandwiches, and roll-ups are easy to put together ahead of time. For roll-ups, spread tortillas with cream cheese, mustard, mayonnaise, or your favorite condiment, layer with thin slices of meat or poultry, roll up and slice into bite-size pieces. Pre-make pitas and wraps or consider letting guests make their own, buffet-style. Hollow out hard rolls, sourdough rolls, or any rolls with a hard crust to use as edible bowls for chili.
Make hot dogs the main event at your Super Bowl party by cooking them in beer and setting up a condiment bar. Large, hollowed-out sourdough bread rounds make a great container for dips. Use the same idea with red or green heads of cabbage, multi-colored sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, grapefruits, and oranges. Fill celery ribs, hollowed cherry tomatoes, snow pea pods or cooked, drained, and cooled large pasta shells with tuna salad, chicken salad, ham salad, or cheesey mixtures. Don't forget the chips, dips, and salsas. For dessert, go with bar cookies, mini-muffins, and cookies. More Super Bowl Party Recipes