Tuesday, February 10, 2009

US Postal Rate Rising Again!

The US postal rate will be increasing up to 44 cents starting May 11th. Buy forever stamps today at 42 cents and don't worry about the price increase.


  1. People need to go stock up on forever stamps if they still use snail mail.

  2. hahah who uses the post office anyways. Email or ups it. USPS sucks and I used to lose a package a month or if I ever shipped out txt books some would go missing. Post Office SUCKS and they will get a stimulus check next watch.

  3. The post office new motto is "Show Me The Money!"

  4. Wow, I'll have to tell my grandma, and maybe that homeless lady on the corner of South and Broadway and let her know that. Anyone who actually reads this post probably just sends e-mail anyway.

    I can count the number of times I've mailed something on one hand-zero. Who the fuck wants to put their bills in the mail and have a 50/50 chance it gets there on time? Who gives a shit about a 2 cent postage increase anyway?
